1. Smile. I need to learn how to laugh at myself and smile instead of frowning. I need to stop taking myself so seriously and have a little fun. I have a pole up my ass when it comes to grades, and the end of the semester never goes well. This past semester, when I finally said, "Screw it" and just did my best, I got straight-As. I may be onto something there. Even when all I want to do is throw my iPod in my ears and listen to Avril Lavigne scream about how unfair life is, I must not. I must smile.
2. Spend as much time with friends and family as possible. There's nothing like surrounding yourself with the people who love you the most. I made some amazing friends this past year, and being home on my winter hiatus of a month has left me missing them terribly. Being around them will only enforce my resolution #1, so it's all good.
3. Shape up. Under the stress of last semester, I didn't spend as much time on me as I wanted. I let my gym regiment fall by the wayside, and I miss my endorphin release. Getting back on the wagon will not only help me feel better, but I may look better as well. Even though this aspect of my life always finds a way into my New Years resolution, I'm not making it the center. I'm not going to obsess over fitting into a certain size jean. I love running, and I've missed it. It's the best time for me to think. It's not all about looks anymore.
4. Go for it. I've spent a lot of my life on the sidelines, waiting for something great to happen to me. I've never been confident enough to go after something; I've always had this crippling fear of rejection. This year: no more. I'm determined to go out there and find what I've been looking for. I've had my heart broken, like every other person out there. I've taken the fall and paid a hefty price. But for whatever reason, that hasn't stopped me from falling anyway. Sad to say, I've fallen again. Hard. And if 2010 brings me anything, it better bring me the confidence to go after this one.
So, my New Years resolutions have four different facets. I've decided that when I set my goals too high and too specific, they always fail. This year, they're more broad. Failure-proof. They all involve me going out there and doing something. Not just thinking about it, but doing it. Taking action. Surrounding myself with positive energy.
Let's see just how far that takes me...
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