Saturday, September 5, 2009

Guilty Pleasure?

I follow a few blogs, but they're probably not, what some might call, reputable. My roommate last year was a huge fan of Perez Hilton, and she got me hooked. He's something of a diva, with a huge attitude and a pretty crass way of writing. But you get sucked in, and it's pretty tough to quit cold turkey. It's fun; that's pretty much the only reason I read it.

I'm also a member of Twitter, which is more of a micro-blog. I always feel restricted by the 140-character limit, so I'd much rather blog elsewhere. On a positive note, it's quick news updates, and it gets right to the point. If I see something on Twitter that grabs my interest, I can go almost anywhere else on the web to get the full-length version of what's going on.

I'm also an intern blogger for, a website written by college students for college students. It's a lot of fun, and not every post is school-related. You can go there for advice, how-to's, book and movies reviews, etc. I follow it mainly because I work for it, but I think I'd follow it even if they weren't my employers.

I looked up the Top Blogs, and two really caught my eye. I'm now going to follow /Film (pronounced slash film) because I'm a big movie buff, and I can appreciate a good review. Also, Confessions of a Pioneer Woman looks fascinating; it reminds me of the premise for the Amy Adams/Meryl Streep movie Julie & Julia. I like reading things that are more lightweight--I follow CNN on Twitter, and sometimes I think that's all the death-and-destruction-mixed-with-a-good-economic-crisis I can handle for one day.


  1. Hey Alee! I took a look at and it is so cool! Question: how did you land that internship? It seems like a sweet gig!!

  2. Collegejolt was hiring over the summer, and one of my friends landed the internship first. She sent me the URL (cause I had no clue was collegejolt was) and I sent them a short cover letter with a few writing samples. They got back to me within a week and assigned me a "series," which is a theme everyone is assigned; no two are alike. Mine is "relationship dynamics," but every so often you can stray from your assigned piece. I tend to do that a bit more than I should ;)

  3. Heyy! I did the same exact thing as Tapanga Malanga and headed over to collegejolt as soon as I saw that you were writing for them. It seemed like an awesome idea for a job and site. Thanks for letting us in on it. :)

  4. I always kinda wondered about Twitter, and now it makes more sense to me after reading your explanation. You can find quick updates on Twitter, and if you're interested, look up more info elsewhere on the internet. Thanks!

  5. What a great post! I feel like I learned so much! Thanks! Also, I completely agree with you about Twitter, I think it is great for certain reasons, like for businesses. I'm not sure it's very friendly for personal use.

  6. In response to Twitter, I don't use it much for my personal "micro-blogging" pleasure as much as I go on to occupy myself with stupid things like seeing what certain celebs have to say. I also use it a lot to get sports news quick. I also have to say that I think it's awesome that you have a blogging internship. I think that speaks volumes to how important blogging has become and I am very excited to finally be a part of the blogging world.

  7. I agree with you about twitter, it's limiting, but the updates from NY Times and CNN and other sources are an easy and quick way to keep yourself in the know. P.S. thanks for bringing to my attention. From the looks of it, it's a really cool and informative site. I'll def start following.
